Isla hung out with us as we made our first sunprint yesterday.
Prophet selected fallen leaves and arranged them atop the blue sunprint paper. At first, we laid the acrylic insert over the leaves and left Prophet's assemblage in the sun for seven minutes. When we checked to see how it was developing, we discovered it wasn't.
Bleached white and ready to get wet.
So, we removed the acrylic top and left the leaves exposed to the sun for five minutes, thinking maybe the autumn sun wasn't strong enough to develop the print. Sure enough, five minutes later, the sunprint paper had bleached to white and the light blue prints lay under the leaves.
My hand left its mark.
I raced to the kitchen and let cold water run over the print while Prophet counted out sixty whole seconds.
Then we raced into the den and laid the print to dry near the big front window. Prophet said she was pleased with the result but we needed to wait for it to be "totally dry" before we could "decide whether to like it or not". That struck me as an interesting point.
And here is the final, ethereal version.
Moire patterns with sunprints
Sunprint origami
Wrinkled sunprints
Haeckel’s Radiolarians Mobile
Sunscreen experiment with sunprints to measure effectiveness of different sunscreens
Record a magentic field by making a sunprint
Map the sun's path during a day
Darwin sunprint collages
Capture natural backyard shadows
Astronomy photography prints